How To Recruit High Quality Respondents

How To Recruit High Quality Respondents

The success of a qualitative research project depends on the quality of the respondents that are recruited. Getting the best respondents possible comes down to high caliber recruiting. Some techniques work better than others.

Following are 4 tips we value at Group Dynamics to help ensure a top-notch recruiting process that provides the ideal respondents for your next research project.

The Value of In-Person Research

The Value of In-Person Research

It's no secret that the Internet is a transformative force in the world today. Qualitative research is no exception; as the marketing research industry evolves, there's a tendency to accomplish tasks by creating online questionnaires and focus groups. 

Take a look at the benefits of in-person interviews for research purposes and how it enhances the observation of human interaction. 

5 Steps to Avoid Recruiting Professional Respondents

5 Steps to Avoid Recruiting Professional Respondents

The issue of dealing with cheaters is not a new one, and firms that are willing to confront the problem head on are better equipped to deliver qualitative data in its most unadulterated form. Qualitative research uses small, undiluted focus groups to determine the behaviors, attitudes and motivations of a core demographic. Unfortunately, "professional respondents" often join focus groups by adapting their demographic information to suit surveys. A high-quality qualitative research firm makes sure to weed out those "cheaters!"